
TangobringsanewkindofawarenesstotheAndroiddeviceplatformbyaddingdepthsensors,advancedcomputervisionandimageprocessing.Thegoalistogive ...,Tangowasanaugmentedrealitycomputingplatform,developedandauthoredbytheAdvancedTechnologyandProjects(ATAP),askunkworksdivisionofGoogle.,2016年11月2日—Google今日正式推出了世界首台搭載Tango技術的消費級手機——售價為499美元(台幣15,759元)的聯想Phab2Pro,預計12月出...


Tango brings a new kind of awareness to the Android device platform by adding depth sensors, advanced computer vision and image processing. The goal is to give ...

Tango (platform)

Tango was an augmented reality computing platform, developed and authored by the Advanced Technology and Projects (ATAP), a skunkworks division of Google.

搭載Google Tango技術的AR手機終於買得到了!

2016年11月2日 — Google今日正式推出了世界首台搭載Tango技術的消費級手機——售價為499美元(台幣15,759元)的聯想Phab2 Pro,預計12月出貨,目前美國地區可直接預定。

What Was Google Tango and Why Was it Discontinued?

Tango, or Project Tango, was an AR (Augmented Reality) computing platform Google released in 2014. It allowed mobile devices to calculate their position ...

Google Project Tango專案明年3月熄燈,改由ARCore接手

2017年12月18日 — Google宣佈AR專案Project Tango將在明年3月終止,接下來將由今年8月釋出的ARCore開發平臺所取代,支援動作追蹤、環境理解以及亮度測量, ...

Tango- Live Stream, Video Chat

Tango is a LIVE social community with over 400M users around the world where you can connect with new friends, go live, and watch talented creators 24/7

Tango (Google)

Project Tango是Google的一個研發專案,試圖將人類對周遭空間與動態的感知能力賦予行動裝置,其專案與原型機種最初在2014年2月20日透過網路首度公開。